April 23, 2016
Race to Wrigley - 16th 5k
Chicago, IL
Time: 29:19 (#3 sub 30 5k)<30 9:28="" b="" pace="">30>
Place 1216/3226 overall
So why am I wearing a Sox shirt at the Race to Wrigley, you ask? Well, for one I was raised a Sox fan and even though it's tough living on the North Side that way I stand tall. I really couldn't care less about sports but I do enjoy the rivalry and I hate to admit it but going to a Cubs game is kinda fun. And just to be a good sport I will be happy if the Cubs ever win the world series in my lifetime. I doubt it will ever happen but I'll be happy. I'm so tired of seeing all the little hopefully Cubs fans each April get all excited and exclaiming "this will be the year!"over and over. Last year was pretty close and I was slightly worried living less than 4 miles due north of Wrigley.Oh, and the other reason... I like being an antagonist sometimes.
I got to the race 30 minutes early sans jacket as I was going to run an additional 9 miles after the race and I knew it was going to be warm later. To keep warm I walked around and looked for Chuck - in the first photo. I knew he was going to be there wearing his Sox hat. While walking a man (below) in a Sox shirt came up to me. It's funny when what makes you different brings you together. We chatted for a minute. We saw each other and exchanged stories at the finish line too.
They had one giant start coral instead of grouping people by pace. I realized I was among the folks who didn't pay to have their race timed so I had to get up there. I was going for my third sub 30 5k and I wasn't going to let these walkers get in my way!
It's funny how I used to view a 5k race as something huge. Well, at the time it was huge. Running three miles after 25 years of accumulated damage from smoking, partying, and 4 am Taco Burrito King was a big deal! The novelty has since worn off and all I am left with is bucket list 5ks in Chicago neighborhoods and my annual Turkey Trot and the goal of keeping it under 30 minutes. Half marathons are almost losing their charm at this point too. If marathon madness wears off, do I shoot for ultras? I don't think my body can handle it! For crying out loud I'll be 43 in two weeks! I know I'm getting ahead of myself but that's how my mind works and I'm tired of trying to fight it. I've gotten to a point where I like who I am and that is bigger than any 5k ever was.
There were no formal start corrals and people were all out of place. walkers and runners lined up together. People with strollers were in the middle of the bunch...they belong in the back. I tried to worm my way up as close as possible to the start line but then the national anthem began and I feel like it's really rude to not stop and show respect. Then the gun went off and the race began.
I don't recall really paying attention. I do remember part way through that I should pay more attention because I running on the streets, in the middle of the street, and I havent gotten a chance to do that since the Evanston Turkey Trot last November. It's hard to manager paying attention and running that fast for me along with drinking the water from my fuel belt instead of taking water from the water stops all at the speed which I was running. I run a 5k about 2 minutes per mile faster than I do a half marathon.
I was doing well and keeping my pace under a 10 minute mile. There was no way I was going to give up at this point. The course went south on Sheffield off Irving. Things started to get tough but I knew it was almost over. I actually started to make slight grunting noises. I used to make these noises when I first started running. Sometimes it helps to verbally let it out. Try it sometime!
As we started running through the inside of Wrigley (not the field, just right outside the field - what's that called???) people were cheering and woo-hooing. I no energy to woo hoo. Plus it's the Cubs. Am I really allowed to woo hoo?
And then we were spit out onto Clark into the finish shoot. Yes! I love 5ks because I can run relatively fast and I finish with a large mass of runners. Whereas I usually finish in a very thin trickle of runners. The only time this is advantageous is when there is a finish line photographer and you don't have to fight for photo space.
I got in the line for a stretch and ran into the Sox fan I chatted with pre-race. Then I saw Chuck with his Sox hat and his friend. Of course we had to get a photo together. Sox fans unite!
I couldn't stick around and celebrate for too long as I had another 9 miles to get in that day. I ran south on Southport to North Avenue, came up Halsted and then Clark. My knee was so jacked up it almost buckled and I limped to the bus stop after a breakfast stop in Andersonville. Great.
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