Monday, June 13, 2016

North Shore Turkey Trot 2013

November 28, 2013
Twelfth 5k - North Shore Turkey Trot
Highland Park, IL
Time: 30:01 Pace 9:40
 Place 1057/2385 overall; 59/153 age; 523/1424 female
With: Veronica

Holy Crap! I made a PR I thought I'd never make. Two seconds shy of a sub 30 minute 5k! Dang! I was jumping up and down in Veronica's house when I saw the results on my phone. I couldnt believe it. I dont know where that came from or how it happened but I did it. It seems that the crappier I feel, the faster I run. And of course, the Runkeeper app was screwing up again so I had no idea where I was at time-wise.

In addition to making an excellent PR this race marked one year of racing. My first race was on Thanksgiving one year ago. I think I have earned the right to oficially call myself a runner.

I barely slept the night before. I was up at 5 am and forgot to slap some peanut butter on an apple to eat in the car. My heart was pounding so I didnt even finish my coffee. I was supposed to go with Veronica to her in-laws for Thanksgiving but I was sure I wasnt going to make it. I was going to pass out as soon as I crossed the finish line. Due to idiot brain on my part the time I needed to get to Vero's house was miscalculated so I ended up leaving later than I should have. Everything was adding up to disaster from the get go! Veronica gave me a banana and I had half a protein bar I had in my bag.

We parked the car and got the start line about 5 minutes before take off. Downtown Highland Park was a madhouse. Who designs a parking lot with one the way in being the same way out? The lot was full but you didnt know it until you got all the way in and had the darndest time turning around to get back out. Seriously!

It was a cold, cloudy,  dreary day. Veronica was so cold she had a scarf and hand warmer packets. I decided to brave it because I knew as soon as I got going I was going to get hot.Of course

Of course my Runkeeper app was acting up, as usual. I noticed when I reached mile two the time on the clock was only about 9 minutes later than the time at mile one. No way! That must be a mistake...moving on. I felt so slow.

Around 2.5 miles I thought I saw Vero. Could it be? Either I was running fast or she was  running slow. It turned out to be a little of both. I decided to be an ass and run up a little ahead of her and give a snide little wave. Then I felt bad when she told me her knee went out before mile one. What a trooper! We ran together for about 30 seconds; I felt the urge to giddyup so I went with it. And there it was, mile three! then boom! The finish line. 

We got our post race goodies which included a mini apple pie, and headed back to the car and hit the Old Navy Thanksgiving sale. I tried to take a nap before dinner but I was too excited about my near sub 30 5k! 

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