Monday, June 13, 2016

Black Light Run 2014

August 16, 2014 
17th 5k  - Black light run
with: Karen, Veronica and Shanelle
Bridgeview, IL (Toyota Park)
un-timed event (Garmin says it was only 2.7 miles)

Based on my experience at the Color Run I didnt take this event seriously but I did decide to run which meant I was the only one of the four of us who didnt partake in a pre-run beer.

By the time we got up to the start line it was dark. And we're off! And I cant see! I felt like the fastest runner in the world as I whizzed by everyone. Ok, they were walking so it was a false sense of awesomeness. The last time I ran three miles without stopping was way back in April at the Ravenswood 5k. I started training for the half shortly after that doing a run/walk deal. I was afraid I trained myself right out of being able to run long. But I did it! Sort of. My Garmin had me at 2.7 miles and a slow pace.
There were about 90% walkers and 10% runners. It was hard to get by everyone especially at the black light stations where everyone stopped to take photos. I couldnt see where I was going. The ground was uneven and I nearly tripped and died a million times over the cones that marked the path border. Orange cones only work during the day!
I finished and waited by the finish line for the rest of the gang but I didn't see them. We hooked up eventually at the designated meeting spot and then got our free packets of glow powder and went to town. I've never had my ass slapped so many times in one night. Too bad it was by other women!

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