December 1, 2012
Second 5k - Greater LaGrange YMCA Reindeer Run
Brookfield Zoo, IL
Time 34:14
I have a beef with their timing system. When I crossed the start line the clock said 30 seconds. When I crossed the finish line the clock said 34 minutes. When I got the final time from the kiosk it said 34:14. I'm not that great at math but 34:00 - :30 = 33:30. No? Either way you look at it I beat my time from the last race. But at this point I'm not too concerned about time. I cant believe I finished it!
The day before Pete and I walked around the Chicago History Museum and then went for coffee up the street. Since it was too early to eat we walked over to the Lincoln Park Zoo to see the Christmas Lights. I bought these Born brand boots because they are supposed to be a comfort brand. Comfort my ass. By the time we left the zoo I was in pain and we still had a walk back to the L at Sedgwick. And then a half mile home from the restaurant in Oak Park. I was walking up the stairs to my apartment and got an incredible bolt of pain in my left knee. Great, it was less than 12 hours to race time!
I was worried as all get out! I rolled my legs with The Stick (google this awesome product), took a shower and get to bed immediately. The next morning, after a crappy night's sleep, my left leg was killing me. I told myself that it was OK if I didn't run the whole thing.
Well, it turns out I ran the whole things save for about a block and a half. Go me! Let me tell ya, there is nothing finer than zoo fumes while running. It's just not the best time to be holding one's breath.
On this race there were abut three water stations! I only stopped for one which was pretty stupid because I had to WAIT for water. WTF? Get it together! The course wrapped around the zoo twice. I didn't care for that. It felt like I was at the beginning when I was actually at the middle. Most of the animals were asleep, or I just wasn't paying attention.
After the race I saw a super long line for use of a computer. At first I thought there was a 10k or something about to happen. I asked someone queued up to find out it was a line for access to a kiosk to find out your official time. Or some BS time they made explained earlier.
It was another beautiful day for a run with my red and white striped socks.
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