Monday, June 13, 2016

Indy Mini (Half Marathon) 2016

May 7, 2016
Indy Mini - 7th 1/2 marathon
Indianapolis, IN
Time: 2:35:48; Pace 11:53
Div: 768/1673; Gender: 6114/13487; Overall: 13950/24770
This was a really well run race. My time sucked by I had a good time; as far as a good time running for 13.1 miles can get. 24,000 runners participated and were spread out over 26 corals. And the best part? Men Keflezighi started in the last coral so he could run with everyone. How cool!
Emily and I took Amtrak down to Indianapolis on Wednesday night before the race. We packed the next two days with walking all over the downtown area and lots of beer. Indy is a giant brewery town and we took advantage of its offerings! I'm not sure if it was all the beer and not so great diet two days prior to the race plus sleep the night before of the press pressed juice at the city market the day before but I spent the entire race with intestinal turmoil.
Suzan drove down friday afternoon and arrived just in time for dinner. Not thinking of being in a smaller city (less than 1 million) we neglected to make dinner reservations until friday afternoon. It didn't even dawn on us as we probably wouldn't have this issue in chicago. the only italian (pasta) place for where we could get a reservation was a mile from the hotel and not until 7:30. The service was kind of slow and we really took our time getting back making pit stops along the way. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep.

Luckily the hotel had free breakfast and was a few short blocks from the start line. I was so not feeling this race. I was wiped out and not feeling to hot and it WAS hot. Not boiling but a little more humid than we were used to in early May.
The course was wide and roomy. With 26 corals we started in the middle. this meant a lot to a slow runner like me. usually i start in the back and I finish in a trickle of runners across the finish line. This race I got to finish in a nice stream of runners and not feel like the sag van was right behind me.
The course started downtown, ran out into the neighborhoods , though Speedway City, took a lap around the Indy speedway and headed back downtown. Side note: downtown is very white and we were wondering where the rest of the people were. We scoped out the demographic info online and found there aren't a ton of minorities in Indy. well, now we know where the small percentage live. I was shocked to see the Seikh Society of America manning a water station. 
 There was lots of great entertainment along the way, some organized like older ladies line dancing or older ladies belly dancing (old people in this town have fun!) and lots of bands of all ages and music genres. Then there was the un organized entertainment like the kid and his mom in the front yard banging on pots.
 I knew I stopped around mile 3 or 4 to use the port-o-potty. Luckily there was TP still available. I was at a good pace and seemed relatively on track to make a PR. I always surprise myself because when I have  worst sleep and feel like ass, I tend to do well. I knew I should have stopped again around mile 6 before we entered the Indianapolis Speedway. But I didn't. I had no idea one lap around was going to be 2.5 miles of hell.

Race to Wrigley 2016

April 23, 2016
Race to Wrigley - 16th 5k
Chicago, IL
Time: 29:19 (#3 sub 30 5k)<30 9:28="" b="" pace="">
Place 1216/3226 overall
 So why am I wearing a Sox shirt at the Race to Wrigley, you ask? Well, for one I was raised a Sox fan and even though it's tough living on the North Side that way I stand tall. I really couldn't care less about sports but I do enjoy the rivalry and I hate to admit it but going to a Cubs game is kinda fun. And just to be a good sport I will be happy if the Cubs ever win the world series in my lifetime. I doubt it will ever happen but I'll be happy. I'm so tired of seeing all the little hopefully Cubs fans each April get all excited  and exclaiming "this will be the year!"over and over. Last year was pretty close and I was slightly worried living less than 4 miles due north of Wrigley.

Oh, and the other reason... I like being an antagonist sometimes.

 I got to the race 30 minutes early sans jacket as I was going to run an additional 9 miles after the race and I knew it was going to be warm later. To keep warm I walked around and looked for Chuck - in the first photo. I knew he was going to be there wearing his Sox hat. While walking a man (below) in a Sox shirt came up to me. It's funny when what makes you different brings you together. We chatted for a minute. We saw each other and exchanged stories at the finish line too.

They had one giant start coral instead of grouping people by pace. I realized I was among the folks who didn't pay to have their race timed so I had to get up there. I was going for my third sub 30 5k and I wasn't going to let these walkers get in my way!

It's funny how I used to view a 5k race as something huge. Well, at the time it was huge. Running three miles after 25 years of accumulated damage from smoking, partying, and 4 am Taco Burrito King was a big deal! The novelty has since worn off and all I am left with is bucket list 5ks in Chicago neighborhoods and my annual Turkey Trot and the goal of keeping it under 30 minutes. Half marathons are almost losing their charm at this point too. If marathon madness wears off, do I shoot for ultras? I don't think my body can handle it! For crying out loud I'll be 43 in two weeks! I know I'm getting ahead of myself but that's how my mind works and I'm tired of trying to fight it. I've gotten to a point where I like who I am and that is bigger than any 5k ever was.
There were no formal start corrals and people were all out of place. walkers and runners lined up together. People with strollers were in the middle of the bunch...they belong in the back. I tried to worm my way up as close as possible to the start line but then the national anthem began and I feel like it's really rude to not stop and show respect. Then the gun went off and the race began.

I don't recall really paying attention. I do remember part way through that I should pay more attention because I running on the streets, in the middle of the street, and I havent gotten a chance to do that since the Evanston Turkey Trot last November. It's hard to manager paying attention and running that fast for me along with drinking the water from my fuel belt instead of taking water from the water stops all at the speed which I was running. I run a 5k about 2 minutes per mile faster than I do a half marathon.
 I was doing well and keeping my pace under a 10 minute mile. There was no way I was going to give up at this point. The course went south on Sheffield off Irving. Things started to get tough but I knew it was almost over. I actually started to make slight grunting noises. I used to make these noises when I first started running. Sometimes it helps to verbally let it out. Try it sometime! 

As we started running through the inside of Wrigley (not the field, just right outside the field - what's that called???) people were cheering and woo-hooing. I no energy to woo hoo. Plus it's the Cubs. Am I really allowed to woo hoo?

And then we were spit out onto Clark into the finish shoot. Yes! I love 5ks because I can run relatively fast and I finish with a large mass of runners. Whereas I usually finish in a very thin trickle of runners. The only time this is advantageous is when there is a finish line photographer and you don't have to fight for photo space. 

I got in the line for a stretch and ran into the Sox fan I chatted with pre-race. Then I saw Chuck with his Sox hat and his friend. Of course we had to get a photo together. Sox fans unite!  

I couldn't stick around and celebrate for too long as I had another 9 miles to get in that day. I ran south on Southport to North Avenue, came up Halsted and then Clark. My knee was so jacked up it almost buckled and I limped to the bus stop after a breakfast stop in Andersonville. Great. 

Shamrock Shuffle 2016

April 3, 2016
Shamrock Shuffle - 4th 8K
Chicago, IL
Time: 53:02; Pace 10:41
Place: 660/1590 Female 40-44; 6459/13519 Females; 13720/23447 Overall

I could just spit! My time was 10 seconds slower than last year! I felt like I was passing up way too many people and with that comes a bunch of weaving in and out and wasting all kinds of time. I love the Shamrock Shuffle. Although I race all year, this one kicks off the racing season in Chicago. The weather is always a crap shoot but it's fun. It's big and the course runs through the streets downtown. This is very important after running along the path in near-boredom the entire winter. 
So that was the positive side, the negative part is that there are so many new people that I think underestimate their time and get put in faster corals than they should be making more runners for me to go around. And with new people always comes ignorance of race etiquette. They walk in the middle of the course; sometimes arm in arm creating a human wall. It's not as bad as a 5k which anyone can do, run or walk but 4.97 miles is seemingly doable by inexperienced racers. 

I always have such a  "duh" look on my face in race photos.

My time is actually pretty good considering the previous day. We had our usual half marathon training long run although I cut the 8 miles short to 6. I had a beer walk to do! My Walking Across Chicago walking group did a 5 local brewery tour walk. It started at noon and I got home around 10. Ugh. Oh, and I had a cold. 
By the time I got home the only thing that kept me motivated to race the next day was the fact that I had Beth's race packet and we were meeting before the race so I could give it to her. And then she texted me. Her knee was still wonky from the Chiditarod and she wasn't racing Shamrock. Uh-oh. 

The alarm went off at 6:15am the next morning. I looked at my phone and saw that the temperature was 34 degrees. The reasons to stay in bed were growing. I knew if I blew off one race I'd blow off more and also...I'M NOT A QUITTER! I made a commitment, if only to myself, and I was going damnit!
So I got my ass up and out the door and on the bus, made a visit to the port-o-potty and in the coral with 20 minutes to spare. 
I think they need to do a better job of releasing the corals and deciding who goes in which one. I know I'm a slow runner but I felt like I was passing up  a ton of people. Of course, passing people up is a nice ego boost but all the weaving is wasting seconds going off the straight tangent to the finish line. 
This year was much better than last year. I feel like more people were out cheering. That always helps! I was definitely less windy than last year too. One short windy patch took over near the end but it didn't last. 
I passed the time trying to turn my mood around and identifying different types of runners; no hips, bobble head, bouncy girl, etc. 
I crossed the finish, grabbed my medal and free foodstuffs and found Emily near gear check. We waited for Brian and headed over to Wishbone to meet Beth and Chris. 
Another Shuffle done. This was my favorite race but the novelty and fun of it is slowly wearing off. 

F^3 Lakefront Half marathon 2016

January 23, 2016
F^3 Lakefront Half Marathon - 6th half marathon
Chicago, IL
Time: 2:30:06; Pace: 11:28
Place: 1511/1859 overall; 743/973 female; 114/149 F40-44

I missed a PR by 1 minute and 7 friggin' seconds! Not bad considering I didn't even feel like getting up to come to this race. I got home really late the night before and my stomach was giving me some backlash from all the sugar I was eating lately but mostly the previous night's indulgent dinner.

I went to a tapping of the Steve Harvey show the previous afternoon. We were held captive from 3 until just before 7 pm. If you leave the studio to go pee they'll never let you back in so I didn't have a lot of water all day. Uhh, yeah one of the top ten rules to preparing for a long distance race is hydrate the day before!

The audience for the show was all single ladies. It wasn't a requirement - I apparently missed the memo- but 95% of these ladies dressed like desperate skanks. They were hooting and hollering like mad women at a strip club. I am not this type of woman. I do not hoot, not hollar, not am I desperate. I'm comfortable with my relationship (or lack of) status. I am not sitting around pining over the knight in shining armor  whom I am sure is going to come busting through the door to whisk me off into the sunset. Steve even said to the audience that we (they) were embarrassing themselves.

Anyway, he said something that bugged me. It went something like: "If you ladies would stop trying so hard a man will come to you. Why don't you just sit back and be your feminine pleasant self?" uUh whaaaaaaaat the fudge? This seriously irritated me. So if I am not naturally pleasant am I doomed to be single forever? Oh, wait doomed isn't the right word because that implies that being single is some kind of bad thing? Do I need to get all dolled up and kill myself in heels and wear 10 pounds of makeup and be all fake and feminine to lure a man into my web. How about I be myself? What the heck is wrong with that?  This pissed me off so badly that I had troubles sleeping. Has anyone realized that being someone you're not in a relationship never really works out in the end? You can only keep up an act for so long.

So what in the world does this have to do with the race? Not much but it's my blog and I can write whatever I wish.

On the smokey bus to the after party

After Steve Harvey we took advantage of restaurant week at Mity Nice Grill in Water Tower Place. I usually don't get an appetizer or a full dessert to myself. This time I had both plus a glass of wine. It was way too much food!

Good thing the race started at 10 am because I didnt get to bed  until close to midnight. I slept OK but my stomach was a little jacked up. I was so not feeling like running a race when I woke up that morning. I needed extra time to lie there in bed and hold a debate with myself which meant I was never going to be on time if I took public transportation. I found a spot close-ish using Spot Hero near 14th and state street. Luckily I knew, from an event back in December, that the bridge that connects Soldier Field to the neighborhood over the highway was called the 18th street bridge.

enjoying free beer at Reggies!

I got to Soldier Field at 9:30 am. They let us use the United Club which is super awesome in cold weather. We only had to stand outside for a few short minutes before starting the race. I got in the shortest line for the women's bathroom at a race in the history of racing. Uh oh. My system wasn't liking me. I was about to see my friends and I was really trying to not take my bad mood with me.

I checked my bag and found Nikki and Emily. I sat on the floor to the side and didn't say much. We found Zuzana and headed over to the start. I decided on a 4/1 run walk even thought I wasn't really doing run walk any more for races save for the marathon. I just wasn't feeling it this day.
The official group photo
I didn't have any issues with running like I did last year at this race. Last year I had such a hard time I walked  the last 4 miles more than I should have. This year I totally stuck with the plan even up the hills. If there was a walk on the down hill I kept running to pick up speed. I was so sure I was going to PR I skipped the last 2 or 3 walks. In fact, I saw Emily and Zuzana who stopped to take a photo and when they waved to me and yelled for me to get in the photo I declined yelling back, "no way, I'm going to PR!" It was a little defeating when they passed me after that! We were cat and mousing up to that point and making little jokes here and there but as the mile went on I was having a harder time and was not in a joking mood. I was planning how I was going to tell them I wasn't going to the after party. I was so over this race already!
On the bright side it was a sunny day and I was really warm. I had to take off my gloves and hold them awhile at one point. So I had that going for me. But my back was hurting  and I had some mental battles to fight to get me to the finish line. I had to talk my self into moving forward. So I did and I crossed the finish line. And I didn't PR. No more F^3 races for me.

Some times I feel the need to point out mistakes and I sort of feel like a giant bitch for doing so. The f^3 folks sent out an email saying the packet pick up at the Lincoln Park location was "Downtown." I have a giant pet peeve when people call anywhere in Chicago downtown. I had to say something. What were these people, from the suburbs or something? I got an email back. A nasty little email.  Apparently they have people from all over coming to the race that don't know the difference between Chicago and downtown and they'll have me know that the staff at f^3 are all from Chicago. So if they can't tell the difference, what's the difference? Call it the correct name!!!! And PS anyone who calls Lincoln Park Downtown and says their from Chicago is not a real Chicagoan. I'm done with these people.

After the race I slowly changed into dry clothes in the washroom then we walked outside and boarded the smoke filled shuttle to Reggies where beer awaited. There was a band playing with kids from the School of Rock. They were pretty good! Oddly, they played tunes from 90s, clearly before they were born. I wish I had parents that encouraged that kind of bad assery when I was a kid. Don't get me wrong, they really did encourage me to try lots of different things but they were mostly girly things like dance, cooking, and gymnastics. I probably expressed and interest and they indulged but I feel there is something awesome about the 10 year old girl in a rock band that is going to give her a sense of individuality that is unmatched to the chick doing princess type crap. I did have my own workbench and tool box. I wish I had more of that stuff.

I found Rich upstairs at Reggies who had extra beer coupons. Yay, more drinks! No one had eaten yet. Reggie was offering a buffet for $12. It didn't look too appealing so me, Emily and Nikki walked over to China Town for dim sum. We walked back to my car at 14th and State, got Starbucks and Stan's donuts and then I drove them home.

I took a quick shower, propped open my eye lids with toothpicks and completed my school assignment due by midnight half assed. It's rough being me :-).

Beer Mile 2015

November 28, 2015
1st Beer Mile
Time: 32:24
Beer: regular Budweiser (yuck)
That's Emily
 Here's how the beer mile goes down: You place 4 of your own beers at the sideline of a track. You drink a beer as quickly as you can, run a lap and repeat 3 more times. The beer must be at minimum 5% ABV and it's best warm as there is less carbonation. The goal is to be first, finish, and not puke. If you puke you take a penalty lap.

Not even drunk yet and looking whacked out
We all (about 8 of us) grabbed our beers and started drinking as the time keeper yelled, "go!" I finished a few seconds before Emily and as I was finishing some were already on their second. I knew I was doomed. As a slow runner to begin with I wasn't too upset or intimidated. The difference is that there is always someone slower than me. Not this time. 

My firs lap around the track was OK. The beer hadn't had time yet to do any damage. I spent most of my quarter mile trying to burp. It was that dead burp that never comes out. As I was getting lapped and trying to burp I wondered how I was going to hang in.

I drank my second beer, s l o w l y. As I started my lap I could actually feel the fizzing liquid sloshing around in my belly. I have never before felt anything like that. Is that what it's like to be pregnant? Feeling something in there? And yes I know, I took 5th grade  health class; the baby isn't in your stomach. I rounded the corner and finally burped! It wasn't loud and guttural it was like one giant burst that shook my upper body. More new experiences! OK, I was going to make it! OK, maybe not. It's amazing all the things that can go through one's mind in the course of a quarter mile. 

I grabbed my third beer and drank cautiously while letting out more burps. I could taste the pasta salad I had a few hours prior. The more I thought about my food the more I wanted to throw up.  Most of the others were already done. I was pitiful. I ran on my toes, barely swinging my arms. And I was off.

I was seriously considering giving up, or cutting across the field and hoping no one would notice. I kept thinking of all the homework I had to do the next day. How I couldn't be sick in bed? My mind wandered off to all the times I felt sick from drinking. I didn't want that! I don't miss it! What was I doing? I decided to take a DNF (did not finish) and made the announcement when I finished the third lap.

the cheering squad

This is what I love about runners: no matter what we are all in the race together and we encourage one another even as strangers. They all encouraged me to keep going. I didn't actually feel nauseous, I was just being cautious. I decided to go for it! I don't want to give up on stuff that I start. I drank my beer and cheered on Emily as she came in to a nice finish. Then I took off and one of the spectators, wearing boots, decided to run with me. I tippy toed around the track again with a stiff body trying not to trigger vomit. 

the winners!

I ran it in to a cheering crowd. Everyone got a finishers medal. Emily got a special one for drinking craft beer and my last lap partner got one for running in her boots. 

So where did we all go after? To a bar of course! I only had food though until we got to the second bar where I had the worst pumpkin beer ever. I don't drink much any more. It's usually one or two beers. Good beers, not the cheap crap I drank in my 20s. I am surprised slamming 4 in 32 minutes didn't knock me off my ass. But it didn't. I didn't feel that fabulous the next day but I was functional.

Flying Turkey 5k 2015

November 26, 2015
20th 5k
Flying Turkey 5k, Evanston, IL
Time: 29:10 (2nd best); pace: 9:23
Overall: 703/1996; female: 262/1068; Age: 21/104

Oooops, I didn't take any photos. I took some for snapchat but I guess I didn't download them. Oh well, it was only a 5k. I chuckle now when I look back at the days when I thought a 5k was a really big deal. 

I was tossing back and forth the idea of trying to do my second sub 30 5k. I hadn't decided to really go for it until mid way through the actual race. I told myself it wouldn't be a big deal if I hadn't but then again, I was running out of goals and getting up early and running 3 miles with no purpose was kinda stupid. 

The primary reason I did this race was to commemorate my 3 year anniversary of racing. My very first race was the Edison Park Turkey Trot.  Other people get wedding anniversaries, I get a running anniversary.  I didn't do a turkey trot last year but I remember running about 7 miles. 

This race was tough. I had to talk my way through it the whole way. After the one water station 1.7 miles in I only allowed my self a glance at the mileage on my Garmin at landmarks like a light post or stop sign. It was ridiculous. My right reg was wonky about the last half mile. I wanted to give up and walk  a mile in. I was a little mad at myself with this battle of the mind - I just ran a marathon for crying out loud!

The course was pretty cool except that I was flying so fast I didn't pay attention to any of it! It went along the lake in Evanston and through the Northwestern Campus. I'll have to go back for a run at my usual slow pace. 

Everything was well done except for 2 things: the stroller folks were allowed to start with the free people and there was no water at the finish line. I had to walk for what seemed like miles to get water.  This may not be a big deal for most but I just pushed the limits and was dying when I crossed that finish line. 

Running is a challenge and requires a little positive self talk no matter the distance if you are pushing yourself. A marathon is challenging when going slow as it takes a huge effort to keep it up for such a long ass time on the course. A 5k at a pace 2 minutes per mile faster than my usual pace requires the same. 

Go me!

Rock "n" Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon 2015

November 15, 2015
5th half marathon
Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon
Time: 2:38:35; Pace 12:06
Overall: 12811/23091; Gender: 6776/14280; Division: 1233/2577

There just so happened to be a work conference starting the very next day after this race! This means free airfare for me since it was a business trip. I flew out on Thursday and came back the following Wednesday. It was a really long time to be in Vegas…

I had no desire to return to Vegas. I had been there 3 times already and that was about enough. It’s becoming one big fancy shopping mall with all the stores I cant afford. It’s just not me. As Brian put it, “it’s the Wal-Mart crowd pretending they’re upscale” and I kind of agree. Plus the smoking everywhere is just gross. What I do desire is to run in different locations and the appeal of running the Strip at night was high. 
 I had been to Vegas only in the summer so it was hard to fathom that the weather in November could be anything like home. I had no idea it got cold there. And by cold I mean shivering cold! I was not prepared clothing wise. I didn’t bring sandals or shorts but I also didn’t bring a winter jacket…big mistake.  I planned on running the race in 5” compression shorts but I also brought capris as I planned on getting in a workout in the hotel’s fitness center. I ended up making a game day decision (or game hour) to wear the shorts anyway.  Good thing I had washed the capris I wore during my Friday morning run down the strip in the waste bucket. Who’s Wal-Mart-like now?

Brian and Beth flew out on Friday also for the race. It would be Brian’s first half marathon. The plan was to get plenty of rest prior to the race the night before and during the day. The race was at night so we could experience all the glowing spectacularocity (is that a word?) of the strip at night. That plan didn’t happen. I had 20, 000 steps on the books before we even crossed the start line.

 The night before we walked around downtown and had a late dinner. That morning Beth and I rode the Ferris wheel. On paper, walking to a Ferris wheel and back shouldn't really wear one out. Well, Las Vegas is like the reverse of the side view car mirror. Objects are farther away than they appear. It also takes forever to get to transportation. You can't just hop across the street. You have to go out of your way and cross the upper level walk ways.

 That morning I met them at Paris for brunch. This required a walk to the monorail from my hotel at the north end of the strip. At least the monorail stopped at the Paris hotel. After brunch I went back to my hotel to check out. Walk. Walk. Walk. They were staying at Planet Hollywood, which is next door to Paris but not connected. Then to get to the Ferris wheel we had to get back on the monorail to the Linq Hotel. The wheel is at the Linq but not right off the monorail. Do you see where I’m going here?

So all this walking wore us out. We had to stop at the aqua massage machine and oxygen bar for a little refresher before the race. As were sitting there with tubes up our noses trying to clean out our lungs Brian is texting wondering where we were. I could sense the panic. Beth and I have many a race experience under out belts so we know exactly what to expect and were not in panic mode. We made it back to their room to get ready. 

getting an aqua massage pre race
 Next, we had the race before the race. This was the speed walk from Planet Hollywood to the race start line outside Mandalay Bay. Beth and I were supposed to be in corral 34. We ended up in corral 45. Whoops! No one felt like muscling our way up the corrals so we stood there, inching forward like snails for the hour until we got to the start line. In that time it rained, the winds blew sand in my eyes and I the urge to pee grew. Beth had the foresight to bring garbage bags for prerace warmth.

farting around at the oxygen bar before the race
 The race started and all I could think about was how long was I planning on running in a garbage bag and when was I going to be able to pee. The race map was in a digital info pack, which was too small to read on my phone. I had no clue where the toilets were going to be. You can see my “gotta go” face  in the photo taken in front of the “welcome to fabulous Las Vegas” sign.  I ditched the garbage bag as soon as I saw the photo opp. Next we came upon the airport. I spotted a small gap between the fence and a 12-foot concrete wall. It looked like a great place for a pee. Some dude had the same thing on his mind so I followed him. I headed past him into the darkness of the space and shouted, “I have to pee too. I won’t look!” He seemed to have taken a long time for a guy. I swear I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t really care. I was the one with the greater exposure risk here.

the long wait in the corral

 Life was good again after that! After the welcome sign we headed straight up the strip. It was pretty cool to see the buildings from this vantage point. Of course I had a snap chat problem again and had to stop to take snaps and photos. I missed the run through wedding! But I did get a photo with some running Elivises.  Not many spectators along the way. It’s just too difficult for supporters to get to the course line and since there was only 5000 locals it’s safe to assume less friends and family were there to support their runners unless they all travelled there too.

 The drawback of starting in the end corrals, AKA the walker corals, was plowing through them at the end. The beginning was ok as most of the people around me ran at first. The gang thinned out on the widest parts of the strip making it fairly easy to get around. The end was terrible. The last 2 miles of the course was divided into two. ¾ of the course was for half marathon and ¼ was for full marathon. The full marathon course was thin and had more runners so I crossed under the yellow tape and ran with the big boys. This was until I saw the photographers only taking shots of the halfers so I crossed back and dealt with it. I also figured the video feed would be divided my full and half making it easier to find myself if I was in the correct lane.

A laser canopy marked the entrance to the finish line and colored light beams. I’m so sad I didn’t get a snap of that. Speaking of snaps, there is a side view finish line photo of me with my phone up taking a snap. It looks like I’m taking a selfie, which makes me look like an idiot. I got my medal, walked on and collected all the goodies: pretzels, power bar, beer, pea snacks and the much needed foil blanket. I felt good temperature wise. I wish the marathon had been this cold. The heavy winds cooled me down right quick! I ended up grabbing another foul and making a skirt out of it. I waited on the corner in front of Caesar’s to wait for Beth and Brian shaking and gobbling down the snacks. Was it dinnertime, or bed time? 

Other notable complaints: It seemed like all the volunteers went home toward the end. I guess out here in Vegas they can’t handle the cold weather. There were not mile markers at each mile. Not a huge deal but really… And lastly, they didn’t have signs saying water or Gatorade. You’d think the Gatorade cups would have just Gatorade but no. On the plus side it seemed like there were extra water stops. 

I really liked running a night race. It has a whole different feel! Normally I don’t care for external music on the course but this time it was different. I was singing along! One dark stretch on a side street near downtown was filled with colored lights and dance music. I actually turned off my own music for that!

So there it is, my second out of state half marathon. So far, I’ve run in 4 states including the color Run in Dallas, which probably should count as half a run. Only 46 more to go.

Luxor Hotel

Venetian Hotel